Are you shining the light enough on others?

How do you shine the light on others?

As a leader, what are some ways you can help others succeed?  How do you go about putting others in the spotlight?  Just as my team did on J-Mac’s magical night back in 2006 by passing him the ball every possession (without being told to do so) for the final four minutes of the game, the #CJJblog this week has you covered.  Here are some ideas to help you help others shine.  Enjoy.

  • Communication
    • Praise in public
    • Bring in outside voices (alumni, former coaches, etc.) to speak with team
    • Get input from team members and compliment the good ideas
    • Share the good ideas in team meetings
  • Social Media
    • Retweet
    • Share podcasts
    • Share news articles
    • Book recommendations
  • Helping others
    • Make introductions to others in your network
    • Give books as gifts
  • Mentally
    • Meditation – Visualize yourself dumping happiness onto others
    • Pray for others

Did You Know?  Coach Jim Johnson recently spoke to his former High School basketball team (Greece Athena) and a local Women’s College basketball team (Roberts Wesleyan) – Got any speaking opportunities for him?  Let us know!

Life Tip #8: (Platinum Rule) Treat people like they want to be treated

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