Do you write down your goals each day?

How often do you write things down?  Do you lose track of thoughts or tasks because you rely on your brain to remember them?  Things can easily get lost if you are not writing them down.  From to do lists to million-dollar business ideas, everything deserves to be in writing.  In the #CJJblog this week I wanted to give you some tips and share the importance of writing things down on a daily basis.  Enjoy.

  • Top 5 goals – Write down your top 5 goals you wish to accomplish each day. After they are recorded somewhere you can read them, make sure you are reciting them to yourself and hold yourself accountable.
  • Prioritize – What are the most important six items you have going on in your life right now? Prioritize and rank them from one through six.  Are they written down somewhere?
  • Success journal. Do you have a success journal with all your successful thoughts?  Don’t rely on your brain to remember these powerful thoughts.  Start a success journal today and record ways you can improve your life.
  • Show appreciation. The written word is a powerful thing when it comes to messages to your peers.  Chances are there is a birthday coming up or a recent accomplishment of a loved one.  Send a hand-written note letting them know you are thinking of them.
  • Plans – When you are compiling execution plans, always write them down somewhere. The more you do this, the more you can use this data to track your progress over time.  What were you working on a year ago?  It’s hard to remember this unless you have it recorded somewhere.
  • Money spending records – For the next 30 days, record everything you spend money on. Gas, food, clothes, everything.  Then you can review this information and make the necessary changes to cut expenses.
  • Food eating records. For the next two weeks, record everything you eat.  Are you eating pizza three times per week?  You may never realize it unless you write it down.

Did You Know?  Coach Jim Johnson was a guest on the Anchored in Education podcast with host Scott England.  Listen HERE

Life Tip #92:  Success leaves clues.  Learn from successful people.

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