What was the best Conference you have attended?

What makes business conferences great?

As a member of the growing business community, I find it very important to attend seminars and conferences to help advance my career.  Some conferences can be duds while others make you feel lucky just to be alive.  I attended and spoke at one of the best leadership conferences of my life last week at Mercy High School in Rochester, NY and it got me thinking about what characteristics make these events successful.  What value do you extract from the conference?  I have compiled a list of my top six takeaways from my Global Leadership Summit.  Enjoy.

  • Juliet Funt – whitespaceatwork.com. She stressed the importance of setting expectations and giving a guideline for a response.  “NYRT” Need your response today.
  • Andy Stanley – yourmove.is. Andy is a very passionate pastor who preaches the idea of excitement.  He wants us to respond with the word “wow” and not “how?” when we hear an idea.
  • Sheryl Sandberg – COO of Facebook. Sheryl is a big advocate for rewarding results, not just showing up.  We must earn our accolades and put in the hard work necessary to develop as people.
  • Bill Hybels billhybels.org. Bill taught us the importance of leading at home like you do at your job.  He also suggested to start a leadership journal.
  • Marcus Buckingham tmbc.com. Marcus spoke about how to interact with your team and ask them “what are your highest priorities today?” and he stressed the importance of making it clear that they know what is expected of them.
  • Angela Duckworth angeladuckworth.com. Angela, the author of “Grit” has a unique definition of the word grit and brought new meaning to the importance of hard work.

Did You Know?  Coach Jim Johnson attended and spoke to a group of current and future leaders at last weeks Global Summit Event in Rochester, NY

Life Tip #35:  CANEI: Constant And Never Ending Improvement

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