Can you really make your dreams come true?
Dreams come true every day for people around the world and there are a few recent instances that got me thinking about that very phenomenon. When the J-Mac game happened in February of 2006, I really started to focus on what goes into making someone’s dreams come true. Jose Altuve, second baseman for the Houston Astros, has been fighting adversity his whole life. Scouts and baseball coaches told him he was “too small” his whole life. Now, he’s starring in the World Series, again. Connor O’Brien, a four-time cancer survivor, got to live out his dream as he played in a collegiate football game as a placekick holder last weekend. What goes into making your dreams come true? I take a deeper look in the #CJJblog this week. Enjoy.
- Discover your passion. Whatever you love, stick with it. When you do things that you love, it doesn’t feel like work. What are you passionate about?
- Set big goals. Dream chasers always have clarity of what they want. They stick with it and have the drive to achieve their goals.
- Never give up mindset. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Are you relentless in your pursuit of your dream?
- Carpe Diem. How are you seizing the day? Be exceptional in everything you can control. Your attitude and work ethic are the two things you can control at all times. Are you putting in the extra work?
- Be a team player. “We” over “me” consistently should be how you operate. Do you put the team first and act upon your words?
Did You Know? Coach Jim Johnson will be hosting a Leadership seminar next week on Tuesday, October 29th at Noon EST. You can register HERE
Life Tip #79: Learn from the past, live in the present, and be excited for the future.