Game Changer Webinar

Coach Jim Johnson A Coach and a Miracle Motivational Speaker Inspirational Coach

Game Changer Webinar

Now you can have proper life balance while leading your team to win.

Thursday April 4, 12pm EDT

Now you can have proper life balance while leading your team to win.

Ever wondered how seasoned leaders are able to have a 360-degree balance in both their personal and professional life? Trust me this is not easy; it is a consistent work in progress. But there are 10 questions that, when answered, will give you the blueprint to accomplishing balance in your personal and professional life. Answers to these 10 questions serve as a compass for leaders to lead effectively. When you think

bigger, you lead better, and you will win more!

Coach Jim Johnson is an authority on winning and leading effectively. With his leadership and belief that you should live your dreams! He has pulled all 10 Questions Effective Leaders Should be able to Answer into this one webinar!

Free Quarterly Webinar

Please accept his personal invitation to his FREE quarterly webinar just by signing up to his newsletter. *If you are already a newsletter subscriber, we look forward to you joining us on this webinar and you will be the first to know about all our FREE webinars.

Leading in the face of conflict takes emotional stability, self-awareness, confidence, courage, and perseverance. Professionals who do not have these qualities struggle.

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About Coach Jim Johnson

Based on what transpired in 2006, Coach Jim Johnson is an authority on teamwork, leadership and realizing your dreams.

During what people call the “miracle game” Coach helped an autistic high school senior realize his dream of playing with the team. Hoping for just one basket, Coach, and the rest of the country, was amazed when Jason McElwain scored 20 points in 4 minutes.

In his keynotes Dreams Really Do Come True, Leadership Lessons from Half Court, and 10 Questions, Coach inspires as he shares real-world tools that can be implemented right away. He has appeared on Oprah, Good Morning America, and ESPN and is the author of the book A Coach and a Miracle: Life Lessons From a Man Who Believed in an Autistic Boy.

Key takeaways from this webinar

  • Increase your leadership confidence through leveling up in self-awareness
  • Strengthen your emotional leadership maturity
  • Increase communication clarity to build stronger teams
  • Increase the value of your organization’s most important asset, their people

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