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Motivational Speaker, Coach, and Trainer, Coach Jim Johnson

How do you overcome a devastating loss?

Have you ever lost a big game?

Any time we prepare for an important event, the result can be that much more impactful.  A victory can send you over the moon, while a defeat can be devastating.  As I thought about what to discuss in the #CJJblog this week, I was struck with the thought of suffering a devastating loss.  The Buffalo Bills recent defeat, Rafael Nadal’s comeback, and even my own past coaching struggles have all motivated me to share some of my insight with you.  Never let an emotional defeat define you moving forward.  Enjoy.

  • Stay consistent.  Does your team understand the goals?  Are they written down?
  • Mindset.  Staying focused can be tough, but you must have that never give up mindset that will allow your team to power through any setback.
  • Team analysis.  Do you have the right people?  What type of person are you looking for?  Are they passionate about personal and team growth?  Do they have a we over me mentality and stay humble in both victory and defeat?
  • Systems analysis.  What are you doing well?  What should you change?  What can you eliminate?
  • Meet with team members.  Individually in 1-on-1 meetings.  Ask them: 1) How can we improve the team chemistry? 2) What are the three most important areas we can improve? And 3) How can I coach you better?
  • Implement mental training.  Focus on the mind and develop a process to incorporate mental imagery into your preparation.
  • Accountability system.  Does everyone on your team have a accountability partner?

Did You Know? Coach has a podcast! You can listen to the latest episode HERE as they talk with Dan Garcia, President of CW Matthews Contracting in Atlanta, GA.

Life Tip #3: Leave a profit everywhere you go, everything you touch turns to gold, not garbage.

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