Who motivates the motivator?

With so much talk about motivation and how to stay focused on leading your team toward your collective goals, it can become easy to forget how to motivate yourself.  Some people like to engage in self-talk, or write motivational quotes on sticky notes.  Below are some of my personal favorites on how I like to stay motivated.  Enjoy.

  • Music – This will take your mind to another world and allow you to focus on what really matters. This will help get you “in the zone.”
  • Visualization – Closing your eyes and imagining yourself accomplishing great things will increase your chances of doing so. Stay motivated by visualizing yourself achieving your goals.
  • Write out your goals – Sticky notes, notepads, word documents, or good old
  • Exercise – This keeps my mind and body in tune. I also do most of my best thinking and planning while exercising (mostly while playing tennis).
  • Read – Reading is the best way to continuously grow your mind. Whatever you choose to read, do it consistently and do it while you are able to focus on the content.
  • Listen – Stay motivated by listening to what others have to say. Welcome feedback and take it into consideration as you make your next decision.
  • Talk to mentor­ – A mentor is someone who can help in ways you never imagined. Whether it’s an email a month or a phone call a day, talk to your mentor and bounce ideas off of them.  They will be able to guide you in directions that you never even considered.
  • Positive eating habits­ – Eat well and live well. These two things will help take your motivation to the next level.
  • Get appropriate rest – Sleep is crucial in feeding your mind and staying on top of your game.
  • Make lists­ – Seeing your goals written down on paper in list form makes them achievable and consumable.

Did you know?  Coach Jim Johnson has a brand new 10-minute video of his speaking engagement in North Dakota, which can be viewed on his Facebook and other social media accounts.  Check it out!

Life Tip #30:  Work harder on yourself than on your job

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