How do you make your life a study?

Making your life a study is not something you can just think about. You must have a plan in place to follow each and every day.  This week, I continue my make life a study series and give you a few more aspects of your life to focus on.  In order to achieve your full potential as a person, you must have plans in place.  Enjoy.

  • Financial independence plan. Always remember to pay yourself first. Your desire to be financially stable is the first step to becoming so. It’s all about your mindset. The two most important things are: stay out of debt if at all possible and get excited about saving your money, not spending it.
  • Relationship plan. Your family should come first as often and as consistently as possible. Focus on quantity of time with family and quality time at work. I always like to remember when it comes to family time that children spell love T-I-M-E. When interacting with others, take pride in becoming a good listener. This will help build healthy relationships where you put others needs first.

I spoke at a local middle school here in Rochester last week about goal setting. It was wonderful to see the young kids be so receptive to positivity in their life.  Shaping and molding young minds is one of my true passions in life.  Have a great week, everyone!

Life Tip #85: Instead of competing with people, complete people.

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