What does winning mean to you?

Are you a winner?

I recently finished the book Winning: The Unforgiving Race to Greatness by Tim Grover.  If you are not familiar with Tim and his work, you should be.  He is a renowned businessman, motivational speaker, and personal trainer to some of the most iconic professional athletes – Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, and Dwyane Wade.  Tim was even featured in “The Last Dance” documentary.  After reading this book, I wanted to dedicate the #CJJblog this week to winning.  What it means to me, ideas from the book, and how you can implement some of these tips into your life.  Enjoy.

  • Difference.  Winning makes you different and while this scares most people, being different than others around you is how you become a winner.  Are you willing to be different?
  • Craziness.  Winners are relentless with their work ethic and do things that are out of the ordinary.  They lose sleep over getting better and being the best, they can be.  Are you willing to be a little crazy?
  • Process.  There are two main steps to winning: infinite and change.  You must have the infinite belief you can be great, and willing to make the necessary changes to do so.  Are you willing to fully commit to becoming a winner?
  • Language.  In winning, there is no talk of motivation.  Motivation is merely the entry level of winning.  Are you motivated to become a winner?
  • Stand out. Anyone can fit in.  Winners stand out from all others around them.  Are you willing to strive for excellence and stand out from the crowd?
  • No apologies. On your journey to becoming a winner, don’t apologize for who you are becoming.  The moment you stop growing is the moment you stop winning.
  • Comfort zone. Winners consistently live outside their comfort zone.  Here are two ways you can try this out yourself: 1) Try to do a specific activity with your weak hand (ex: Eat your food, brush your teeth, etc.), and 2) Count up (not down) when motivating yourself to do something.
  • Focus.  Stop managing your time, but rather, start managing your focus.  Winning requires results.  Results require focus.  Is it easy?  No.  Are you willing to stay focused on your goals?
  • Perspective.  A marathon can actually become a sprint, the perception of time is about others.  Keep your focus all about you and your development.
  • Questions.  Are you asking yourself the right winning questions?  1) How do I know this goal is worth it? 2) Do I want to do it? 3) Can I do it? 4) Is it my dream or someone else’s dream? 5) Is it worth my time?

Did You Know?  Coach Jim Johnson will be delivering a virtual leadership presentation to the Association for Supply Chain Management (ASCM) of Rochester on June 17th.

Life Tip #22: Be happy, but don’t stay satisfied

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