Do you have systems in place, or are you winging it?
With the new year upon us, do you have systems in place to be successful? As a high school basketball coach, my systems were fantastic. However, as a professional speaker, they could use some work and it is my main focus in 2023. In the #CJJblog this week I give you three types of systems you can implement today to crush it this year. Enjoy.
- Personal energy/wellness
- To be effective in life, you need energy. Here are five suggestions to help you develop a quality wellness system: 1) Exercise (start small, give five good minutes and see where it goes), 2) Awareness of what you are putting into your body (fruits, water consumption, etc.), 3) Fasting – Go 12-16 hours between meals from night to morning, 4) Get seven hours of sleep per night, and 5) Sit quietly and meditate
- Business
- My business system needs work, which is why it’s my main focus for this year. Here are seven ideas to help you with yours: 1) Hire a business coach (get help/support), 2) Develop two major priorities and spend 30 min per day doing something to get you closer to achieving them, 3) Frequently ask yourself “what is the best use of my time right now?” 4) Ask yourself: “how can I consistently add value to my clients everyday?” 5) Get 1% better each day, 6) Have a system in place to find new clients/opportunities, and 7) Have a system in place to develop your relationship with current clients.
- Personal growth
- Be curious and develop a mindset to get better each day by: 1) Set small goals to feed your mind 15 minutes per day, 2) Start each day by reading for ten minutes, 3) Utilize a two-for-one method where you are coupling an educational podcast or audiobook with chores, tasks, and every day tasks. 4) Start an idea journal and write in it every day.
Did You Know? You can check out Coach Jim Johnson’s book recommendations every Wednesday on his social media channels.
Life Tip #37: Plan your day in writing the night before – Be intentional with your thoughts.