Are you willing to pay the price to be Outstanding?

Most are not.

There is a price to pay to become outstanding at what you do.  Are you willing to pay that price?  It takes hard work and determination to become great at each aspect of our life.  Most individuals are not willing to give what it takes to be outstanding.  If you want to be different, you must be willing to put in the work.  This week in the #CJJblog I am giving you some tips on how you can ensure you will become outstanding.  Enjoy.

  • Write goals down. I like to write down my top 20 goals on paper and mindstorm how I can achieve them.  It’s very helpful to see these goals written down on paper and allows you to think creatively on how to accomplish them.
  • Seek mentors. No matter your career path or goals, there will likely be others who have done it before.  Seek their guidance and find out how they became outstanding.  Do you have a mentor?
  • Learn from the best. Pick a few select people that you view as outstanding and learn from them.  Learn their tendencies.  What makes them great?  What did they do right?
  • Join associations. When I was a basketball coach, I was a member of the NBCA (National Basketball Coaches Association) to stay educated and informed on that industry.  If you want to be outstanding, you must stay informed.
  • Be bold. Are you willing to do things out of the ordinary to be outstanding?  Take risks and stop being normal.  Great people do great things.
  • Get video. We all have a stigma or vision in our head how we see ourselves.  Sometimes this is different from reality.  It’s always helpful to record yourself or use video to get an accurate reading on your actions.  Videos don’t lie.

Did you know? Coach Jim Johnson was in Charlotte, NC last week meeting with Michelle Joyce, the former business consultant for professional speaker, Jeffrey Gitomer.

Life Tip #27: Go the extra mile consistently.  There are no traffic jams on the extra mile

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