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Motivational Speaker, Coach, and Trainer, Coach Jim Johnson

Champs vs. Chumps: What’s the difference?

Are you a champ or a chump?

Have you ever thought about the differences between being a Champ and a Chump?  They are subtle, but very important.  Having been a basketball coach for over 40 years and now a professional speaker, I have gathered many details on the subject over the years.  In the #CJJblog this week, I give you 12 main differences between the two.  Enjoy.

  1. Champ: Always curious – Chump: Know it all
  2. Champ: Growth mindset – Chump: Fixed mindset (done learning)
  3. Champ: Takes pride in being a role model – Chump: Doesn’t care about being a role model
  4. Champ: Words match their actions – Chump: Words do not match their actions
  5. Champ: Service leaders and add value to others – Chump: Takers
  6. Champ: Team first (we > me) – Chump: Self first (me > we)
  7. Champ: High energy and consistently enthusiastic – Chump: Eeyore syndrome (downer)
  8. Champ: Optimist – Chump: Pessimist
  9. Champ: Outstanding work ethic (goes the extra mile) – Chump: Poor work ethic (lazy)
  10. Champ: Always gives their best – Chump: Gives their best when they feel like it
  11. Champ: Leads with integrity – Chump: Integrity is not important
  12. Champ: Consistently does the right thing – Chump: Unreliable and breaks trust

Did You Know?  Coach recently did an interview with Jeff Marconette, Jr. on his Make Every Second Count show – Check it out HERE.

Life Tip #8:  Treat people better than you want to be treated

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