How well do you conduct interviews?

Interviewing is a big part of the professional world and there is definitely a right (or wrong) way to go about it.  After sitting on a Leadership panel last week at Roberts Wesleyan University here in Rochester, NY discussing good interview practices, I wanted to share some with you this week in the #CJJblog.  What are your favorite interview questions to ask? What about favorite strategies to implement when being interviewed?  Feel free to reach out and let me know.  Enjoy!

  • Questions (Interviewer)
    • Tell me about your greatest success story (and why).
    • Why are you the best person for this position?
    • Tell me a story about when you faced adversity and how you overcame it.
    • Give me an example of a time when you were an excellent team player.
    • What attracted you to apply for this position?
    • What would your best friend say is your greatest strength and biggest weakness?
    • If there were only animals left on the earth, what animal would you want to be (and why)?
  • Strategies (Interviewee)
    • Do your research on the company and get a feel for the position.
    • Prepare questions to ask the interviewer(s) regarding skills needed and company culture.
    • Go through a practice/mock interview beforehand.
    • When answering, be confident and illustrate your points with examples and stories whenever possible.
    • Make these stories personal ones that you have experienced.
    • Always follow up with personal thank you’s to those you interacted with and confirm your interest/seriousness in the position.

Did You Know?  Coach will be delivering his Leadership Presentation to employees at New York Life here in Rochester, NY on March 19th.

Life Tip #3:  Leave a profit everywhere you go.  Everything you touch turns to gold, not garbage.

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