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Motivational Speaker, Coach, and Trainer, Coach Jim Johnson

Are you a master presenter?

Are you a good presenter?

At some point in your life, you likely had to deliver a speech in a public setting to a group of people.  Last week, I was able to attend a SUNY Brockport (Rochester, NY) marketing class taught by Jon Goehring, talking about How to Become a More Powerful Presenter.  I wanted to share some of the insights in the #CJJblog this week.  What are some of your best practices when it comes to public speaking?

    • S: Start – How do you start your presentation?  Are you capturing the audience immediately?  Here are four ways you can do so: 1) Story, 2) Video/Context via imagery, 3) Powerful question, or 4) Staggering statistic.  It also helps to make a promise statement, telling the audience what you are going to talk about.
    • P: Preparation – How frequently are you practicing your presentation?  Do you plan on reading the Powerpoint line by line?  Make sure you use any Powerpoint or presentation slides to enhance your speech, not be your speech.
    • E: Eye contact + Engagement – As you walk around the room speaking, make eye contact with an audience member and hold it for 4-6 seconds.  This will make them feel connected and as if you are speaking directly to them.  Make sure to ask a lot of questions (some rhetorical, some not) and tell good, succinct stories.
    • A: Agenda – Why should your audience pay attention to you?  What are your (ideally three) main focus points of your presentation?  You should aim to make your audience laugh, cry, or get emotional (or all three).
    • C: Close – How do you close your presentation?  It should not be with a Q&A.  Yes, you can do a questions portion near the end, but never close with it.  When you start the questions portion, try asking “What questions do you have for me?” instead of the typical “Any questions?”  You should also close with a short story and a call-to-action.

Did You Know?  Coach Jim Johnson’s father is going through some health troubles.  Him and his family would greatly appreciate any additional thoughts and prayers at this time.

Life Tip #18:  Take public speaking courses, join Toastmasters, or a speaking organization.

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