Are you developing and implementing the right plans for yourself?

What plans are you developing for yourself?

Now that we are officially a year into the pandemic, a time of self-reflection, new normal, and changing routines, I wanted to spend some time discussing the three most important plans you should be developing for yourself.  Do you already have plans in place?  Are they in need of some tweaking?  Set a goal for yourself to have something in writing (rough draft is okay) within 24 hours for each category.  Let me know if I can help as you are putting them in place.  Enjoy.

  • Personal wellness plan. Over the last year, many people have put on the “Covid 20” as in 20 extra lbs due to being inside and quarantine.  For me, because I have adjusted my personal wellness plan accordingly, I have actually lost 8 lbs over the last 12 months.  Here are the keys to focus on: 1) Make appointments with yourself to exercise and treat them like ordinary appointments that you can’t miss, 2) Make your exercise activities something you enjoy, 3) Find a partner to hold you accountable, and 4) Take care of your body with sleep, food, and hydration.
  • Financial independence plan. For me, my second career (Professional speaking) was hit hard by the pandemic.  Fortunately, my financial independence plan has allowed me to live comfortably without financial stress.  Here is what you should focus on: 1) Have other streams of income, 2) Have a “rainy day fund,” 3) Make sure you are saving for retirement, and 4) Become debt free as quickly as possible.
  • Personal growth plan. Are you consistently finding ways to grow?  How are you adding new skills to your repertoire?  1) Read 15-30 minutes each day, 2) Listen to audiobooks in the car while driving, 3) Engage in “two-for-one” activities such as listening to a podcast while doing chores around the house, 4) Find mastermind groups and engage with likeminded individuals regularly, and 5) Hire a coach to help you in your desired field.
  • BONUS: Every night before you go to sleep, think about three things you are thankful for and write them down in a gratitude journal.

Did You Know?  Coach Jim Johnson will be travelling to Houston, TX to watch his former player, Anthony Lamb play in two NBA games this weekend for the Houston Rockets.

Life Tip #78:  Take time to reflect on the past, use it to learn and help you have a better future

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