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Motivational Speaker, Coach, and Trainer, Coach Jim Johnson

What are your thoughts on Servant Leadership?

Do you practice servant leadership?

There are many types of leadership strategies you can implement as a coach or manager.  How you decide to interact with your team can drastically affect how successful your team becomes.  Do you delegate tasks when necessary?  Do you praise when appropriate?  In this weekly edition of the #CJJblog I want to discuss some strategies and characteristics of servant leadership.  Enjoy.

  • Individual meetings. As a coach during the second half of my career, I really enforced one-on-one captain’s meetings.  This allowed for honest and open communication from the leaders of the team.  Do you hold individual meetings on a consistent basis?
  • Individual attention. Reach out to your team members and be open to direct leadership communication.  The most crucial time to do this is when you sense something may be off or a team member may be upset with their job or role on the team.
  • Utilize staff. Another big reason for my success as a high school basketball coach was my inclusion of the thoughts and ideas of my staff.  Trust their insight and allow their voices to be heard.  Do you seek feedback from your staff?
  • Give back. Giving back to your community can be very rewarding, especially as a team.  This also promotes team building activities and allows for connections to develop outside of your place of work.
  • Offseason training. This applies to business as well.  In between projects?  Give your team members leadership training to develop their skills.  For me, I always tried to hold open gyms and allow my players to develop their skills.
  • Leave a profit. Implement a leadership strategy that your team knows to turn everything they touch into gold.  Make things better after your departure.  As a leader, lead by example and let your actions speak louder than your words.

Did You Know?  Dr. Ken Blanchard (Author of: The Servant Leader) will be joining Coach Jim Johnson at the local Global Leadership Summit on August 9th.  Looking for more info?  Go to:

Life Tip #8: Treat people better than how you expect to be treated

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