What are your favorite financial development books?
Reading books is a great way to grow your mind. For me, I try to read at least 30 minutes each day. I have already given you my list of top leadership and inspirational books that I have read. This week in my #CJJblog I am going to give you my list of top Financial Development books. What are your favorites?
- Millionaire Success Secrets – James Malinchak
- The Road to Wealth – Suze Orman
- What Your Financial Advisor isn’t Telling You – Liz Davidson
- Richest Man in Babylon – George S. Clason
- The One Minute Millionaire – Mark Victor Hansen
- Money Matters – Tony Robbins
- The Little Book of Common Sense Investing – John C. Bogle
- The Millionaire Next Door – Thomas Stanley
Having read the books above, I have gathered some commonalities amongst them. Here are a few thoughts I have when it comes to personal finance and achieving financial independence:
- Pay yourself first
- Stay out of debt
- Increase your value to the marketplace (industry) to in order to increase your income
Did You Know?: Coach is now talking to college students around the country about financial independence and goal setting.
“The students were highly motivated and inspired to make changes to their lives after listening to Coach Johnson’s informative and enlightening talk on financial independence… I believe, now more than ever, the institutions and students should proactively start the discussion on financial independence that will lead them to better manage their life.”
-Rehnuma Karim, Ph.D, Professor, SUNY Brockport –
Life Tip #5: Tithe at least 10% of your income to worthy causes (charities, non-profits, etc.)