How are you becoming successful?

When you think about becoming successful, what thoughts go through your head? More importantly, what are you doing to get to the level of success you crave?  This week in my #CJJblog I go over the final 11 tips on how to become successful.  As you look through these tips, make sure you pick out a few to implement in your everyday life.  Let me know which ones are your favorite in the comments below.  Enjoy.

23) Seek a mentor. Success leaves clues.

24) Be a mentor to others. Learn from their ability to learn and be coached by you.

25) Donate at least 10% of your income to a cause you believe in.

26) Be a positive role model. You are on stage at all times.

27) Write out your own personal mission statement.

28) Spend 50% of your time on things that are important, but not urgent.  This includes: exercising, family time, and personal development.

29) Help someone at least once per week with no expectation of them repaying you. Pay it forward.

30) Be exceptional with your positive attitude and outstanding work ethic.

31) Adopt a model that I will do the best I can on all endeavors.  Be the best you can be at all times.

32) Compliment at least three people per day. They will appreciate it.

33) Live a life of impeccable integrity. Others will take notice.

As the summer approaches, make sure you get into a routine that will set you up for personal success. I always try to grow my mind by reading as much as I can.  I posted this on Facebook last week, but in case you missed it, make sure you check out my book recommendation of the week: “What Your Financial Advisor Isn’t Telling You” by: Liz Davidson.  This book will help you develop a plan for financial independence.  Have a great week, everyone!

Life Tip #35: Use CANEI: Constant and Never Ending Improvement

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